Porosidades is a laboratory of art and education in the municipal area promoted by the ArtsVisuals Program of the Diputación de Barcelona, jointly organized by the City Council of Terrasssa, Granollers and El Prat de Llobregat, with the collaboration of ACVic Contemporary Arts Center.
TERRAoasi is the porosity project by Terrassa, which links art, pedagogy and territorial context.
I have participated together with the Municipal School of Special Education EL Pi with the project “Somos Naturaleza”.
The proposal was born to create a living and sensorial space within the School. We have left the environment that surrounds it: NATURE … we feel it, we feel it … and, from its elements, textures, smells and colors, we have created a new liner for the maritime container that is in the patio of The school, making it a sensitive facility for its students.
Projecte TERRAoasi: “Som Natura”
TERRAoasi Art i Educació lab Porositats Terrassa
web TERRAoasi Art i Educació Lab