Although I received academic training and based my professional experience in the tourism sector, since 2011 I dedicate myself to the art world.
In 2004 I made my dream come true by creating and directing “El Festí dels Sentits”, a hotel that for six years was my personal and professional project. I had to change my life because of a health problem and this caused art to accidentally enter my life… giving me the opportunity to reinvent myself.
Since 2011 I have worked different disciplines of drawing, painting, engraving and ceramics. Since the beginning of 2013, I have completed my training with an investigation workshop directed by the artist Paco Minuesa.
Within my artistic career, I find it fundamental to be able to bring the strength of art to others, enjoying the process of creation and, therefore, dedicate part of my time to the educational field for children and adults.
I am closely linked with different inclusive artistic initiatives that work to give greater visibility to the group of people with special needs. For this reason, I actively collaborate with the projects “Fem un Museu” and “”
The interest aroused in me by art as a vital experience, deepens me in the field of artherapy. I have received training at the Artherapy Center Metàfora in Barcelona and the Center for Formation and Artistic Creation Marabal.
I have been a participant artist in the development of the project “TERRAoasi” for the Laboratory Porosidades of Art and Education in Terrassa, with the proposal ” Som Natura” to the EMEE El PI of Terrassa
My last solo exhibitions was at Casa Soler i Palet in Terrassa, presenting the project “OJ”, selected within the Arte Terrassa 2016 Cycle and this 2018 in Centre Cultural in Terrassa, presenting “inTangible”.
“inTangible” Sílvia López exposition
Selected for the Drap-Art 2017 Capsule; I Ceramics Contest for the International Women’s Day; Peacock Ruby Art Festival 2016; VI Edition Reciclart de Terrassa; Art Emergent 2015 Award from Sabadell; “The Owner Artist” of Nauart Space of Creation of Barcelona; XXVIII Painting Competition Sanvisens.